Warm spring greetings to my blog friends

I am completely in migrating my art blog inesepogagallery.com  to a WordPress website. It hasn’t been a smooth ride so far. I am still waiting for quite a few responses from support team, but I have lost all followers (almost 2000) because of this move and there obviously no likes under my imported posts yet. The most terrible part is that I do not have even the simple one-click “Follow” button which appears to be a nightmare to generate. I haven’t gotten that done yet. The site is being added features and lost parts every day, but still, it takes a lot of time.

I would greatly appreciate the former followers stayed in touch by either following this blog or by renewing subscription to the newly created website.

All tutorials and instructions describe such a move as an easy breeze, but it was nothing like that. It seems one also needs quite a lot of money for such a move (which I wasn’t prepared for).

Well, my head is spinning already, and I haven’t even made up a normal menu yet, just trying to republish the lost posts.

Meanwhile, the weather is getting better and the planting season is approaching fast.

Therefore, my blog migration feels at a wrong time, but since it’s done, I will have to just move forward and hope for the best.


28 thoughts on “Warm spring greetings to my blog friends

    1. Well, it’s a lot of work. Now I need everybody to go to inesepogagallery.com and sign up by e-mail for now, but later I will have it in a normal way. I simply needed to to be able to do something way more than just publish a blog post.


  1. J.D. Riso

    What a nightmare! This is the reason why I don’t think I’ll ever migrate my blog anywhere. You are not the only blogger I’ve heard of who has lost ALL their followers while moving. I’m not sure I’d continue blogging if that happened to me. As it is, most of my 13000 followers don’t even get notifications when I post. Another WP bug that never seems to get fixed. So frustrating. I hope they find a solution to help you recover your subscribers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, it’s only a financial issue because I didn’t count on everything being so much. Plus, all sales are in US dollars which makes each amount much more in Canadian dollars. I placed the support request, but no answer so far.
      I would advise people who ever think their blog will not be enough for what they do, to start from scratch or move early. That is a problem to move EVERYTHING, and lots of things are lost, but the most painful is the visibility and subscribers. It looks terrible how these posts had 80-90 likes, and no there are none. I suppose, I will rebuild this over time. I transferred the domain name, that was complicated, but still doable, and for now I am not having the simple “follow” button widget. Yes, it is difficult to migrate a blog with lots of content, followers, pages, forms and images. All tutorials and instructions describe that as easy and everything is like one-click and 5 minute, etc. I have spent the last 3 days at it and still not far enough. It is a lot of work and it feels terrible.
      The most embarrassing thing, however, that I still have only 1 account for the website and for the old blog and for this blog.
      I transferred domain name to another host and I thought this should be different now, and it isn’t.
      I find a lot of cheating with sales along the way, and one is charged for literally EVERYTHING or otherwise there is no security, no SEO, no nothing. I cannot implement videos at the moment, but that’s what I really need.
      So, lots of issues to be resolved yet.


  2. How Terrible Inese.. Seems everything comes at once and I will of course resubscribe my friend
    Your blooms are lovely We have been busy in the allotments right now… And I will hop over to your new Link.. and subscribe..
    Take care of you.. ❤ Hugs Sue


    1. The most interesting part is that it shows some 1280 followers, but there is no place to make them visible or activate or whatever. I find it quite terrible. It says one-click this and one-click that and basically that is misleading people a lot. I purchased a premium theme, and guess what they gave me? A basic which is free. I’m trying to get a refund, not sure when that happens. There is nothing smooth with migrating a blog. Partly, it is because I have to pay for many things to just get started. I’m very disappointed. I would advise everybody to start from scratch, that is a lot easier than trying to move a blog with lots of content.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes.. thankfully when Windows Live closed their blog site which i was on they moved us to where we wanted we had choice of WP or Blogger.. I chose WP.. and it was swift and easy everything went but not the theme.. that we had to choose and and start from scratch.. and I scratched my head for a time too until I got the hang of it all.. 🙂 xx Good Luck xx


      2. Well, the theme gives me glitches all the time. Regardless of what I save, etc. some images do not appear, some strange things happen. Blog was fine, but with this website thing I’m totally unhappy so far.
        It showed followers, but I couldn’t understand where are they?
        Nothing happened as I expected or how the tutorial said. I will probably have to let this cool down for a while because it might be that I am rushing things too much. Nothing worse can probably happen since it’s bad enough. I lost all my posts between 2013 and 2016. I did the export and import exactly as instructed. Everything seemed to be fine at a first glance, but then I noticed a huge gap.
        I can still say the same: it’s very difficult to move a lot of content. I should have done this straight after I just started.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I still haven’t got the simple follow button, that seems to be impossible because the stuff I need isn’t displaying anywhere. I can see that on imported posts (too bad there are just a few) comments are visible. Followers are visible to me, but most likely my site has no visibility anywhere else.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I have just been to your site Inese to have a look.. You can clearly see the subscribe button at the top if not the pop up version as before.. And you can see your Community .. Which I am sure are your followers.. And your other links and paintings on the side bar..


      5. Well, that’s the follow by e-mail widget. But I need the simple button when WP bloggers can click and follow not subscribing to anything. Somebody from previous followers clicked on like. I also do not know whether this site appears on any readers. Well, and WP support has been very slow recently. I need to change the theme, but I’m just waiting until the refund is completed.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry you lost your likes and followers. Same thing happened to me and I had to start over. Lot’s of work involved in maintaining a blog, nevermind migrating it. I’m hoping your followers will find you soon so they don’t miss out on your beautiful work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, yes, it involves quite a lot of work. Especially, because my blog was so huge. 1028 followers will be brought back, in fact, I also generated the follow button. I have a workshop this weekend, so no time to deal with website, but it has all the basics. I will try to re-import the lost posts, and at some point, I can re-publish quite a lot of things. I was worried at first, but everything has returned to normal at the moment. I want to install other theme, but that will have to wait until I have time. I chose the website because blog restricts me doing a lot of things. I intend to go much bigger with lots of stuff. Thanks for your kind comment!It might take me time to get back to everybody this time because I’m very busy, also in the garden.


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