The soothing Sunday Thoughts: I saw this morning


I saw this morning

How cautiously a leaf was swirling

Down to the ground.

And hesitantly,

And as if wanting to make this moment

An endless dance.

The tree had let it go,

To fly, to shine and die.

Small, tiny star, made up of purest gold,

With sunshine in its veins

And rain in every cell.

It had accomplished

Its mission.

Good bye is in the air,

And wisp of smoke from fire,

From burning leaves.

It raises straight to heaven,

To reach the clouds.

The wisp of smoke from tiny burning star.


P. S. We have been awarded with a fantastic, sunny weather. It is so warm, and the air is so full with fall flavors. The sun is dancing in reflections and leaves. The beauty of this season is breathtaking and sad at the same time: this is the feast before the long silence and sleep, yet, there is no way to describe the passionate intensity of colors. My artistic nature enjoys every single one of these colors, every shape of disappearing beauty. These days have been so uplifting, cheerful and inspiring.


I wish everybody a pleasant walk into the fall!


45 thoughts on “The soothing Sunday Thoughts: I saw this morning

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      I agree absolutely! That is one of the most amazing things we are experiencing on a daily basis. The God has given this beauty so that we are reminded of things which cost nothing and ask only for our appreciation.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thank you so much Ellie! We have old trees all around this place, and every single one is dressing up unbelievably. This doesn’t happen every year, sometimes colors are pale or not at all present. We are really blessed this year with such an incredible beauty.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks! Sunday was sort of quiet and nice, so warm, so tranquil. I’m working on 2 large medical projects with very tight deadlines, and feel so sorry I have to miss the most part of this last sunny weather. Oh well, I wish there was a day when it wasn’t typing until I have cramps in wrists and I could make living doing what I love. I hope that it might come some time.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks Lavinia! We had wonderful weather, just unbelievably warm, sunny and nice. That was such a great moment for all colors to shine. They are pretty much gone now because of frost and cold wind today. Well, and I had also a small break before got completely overloaded with medical writing and tight deadlines, so this small poem was written.


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Interesting, who knows what was going on? Thanks so much anyway for returning and placing all likes. I have quite a few photos, just overloaded recently with medical writing, no time for blog or something else. Deadlines are tight.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I recall I sometimes couldn’t do it either, I was blaming my internet connection.
        Thanks! It has to be productive otherwise I don’t know what clients would do to me. So, just typing ahead.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi there, I have disccovered the likes dissapear after you have liked many posts (I don´t know if it was the case)…. It usually happens to me after liking like 30 posts or something … If that occurs, you only have to wait 15-20 minutes… I suppose it is to avoid spam actions… 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Only on my blog? I sometimes have big difficulties with loading very large blogs or websites. With very many photos and similar content. I don’t know. It works fine with me, I mean, I usually like or comment not from reader, but I go to that blog.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No, there are two-three more blogs with the same problem. I have noticed that if I ‘like’ after I comment, this usually is the case, so I try to remember to ‘like’ everything first and then leave a comment.
        ‘Liking’ from the reader you mean – not reading at all? 🙂 Haha, I see it happening on a regular basis. I haven’t been in Reader probably a year or so – since they have changed the interface.
        I don’t know what is your way to post images, but I resize them to 72p. It is what computer monitor is capable to, so why would I make them heavier, right? All my pictures are much less than 1mb – usually under 500kb. It prevents unlawful reprinting too.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        No, I don’t mean I have problems with my images because I resize them, too. Blogs and websites which have lots of stuff are loading very slowly sometimes, it’s probably because Internet is insanely expensive and bad in Canada.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I too have problems loading some blogs. Not always because of the images, but probably because of the theme that is just heavy, and because of amount of pages too, I guess. Most of the blogs are fine to load.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Yes, maybe some themes are to blame. I sometimes leave without liking or commenting just because it’s slow. I also find that sometimes it is so difficult to find where the blogger is hiding recent posts and things like that.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Absolutely agree. Also, you click on avatar, and get to an old, abandoned page. So often I had to go to Google and find an actual blog. You know, some people visit your blog, and you want to visit back, but you just are not able to do so without Google search 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Exactly the case. I’m wondering why these blogs do not show up in a normal way. I simply sometimes do not have time, so it goes. It is a big deal how all the widgets are arranged and whether the recent posts are listed or not. Otherwise, one can find anything, just not the posts which are the last and actual.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Probably the person started a new blog but didn’t think of re-linking their gravatar.
        Sometimes very interesting blogs are unreachable, and I wonder if these bloggers ever ask themselves – How is it that I am blogging two years and have only two readers?

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        That seems to be strange, indeed, but I hope that these who are blogging in order to reach somebody will also arrange their blogs in a way that they can be reached and followed, and liked. It is quite annoying that it can take a while to just return a like. Then there are blogs with comments disabled and no chance to leave a like, too. Are they afraid of something?
        I had to use moderation of comments because of one stalker who was following me everywhere, so that I had to block her out on all accounts I just could.
        I think everything just comes down to a normal lack of knowledge and/or desire to work because blogging is hard work.
        I haven’t had any time recently, was so overloaded with medical work and writing, and I am late now with all my Christmas stuff. It was a bad timing, but decent money.

        Liked by 1 person

      10. Blogging means hard work indeed.
        I too moderated comments for a year, but finally gave up 🙂 Whatever happens – happens. I disabled comments once – when I had a severe jetlag and knew I wouldn’t be able to reply. I think it is why people disable comments – when they have no chance to reply. Why people disable ‘likes’ is a mystery, but I know one blogger who does that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I know quite a few blogs where you cannot leave a comment, a few where you cannot place like, as well. That stalking was very serious and was driving me crazy, it felt like I was helpless. I got the experience once, and that makes me still want to use moderation. At some point, it is annoying, but I am not worried when my comments are moderated, too. Have to keep it together!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. As I read your poem I couldn´t avoid thinking of Frost´s poem “Nothing Gold can stay”…
    Your writing is very moving… I like the idea of having acomplished a mission (when you describe the leaf falling)… I guess cycles are surely part of a Master Plan… Nature has so much to teach us about letting go, too…
    Sending love & best wishes, dear Inese, Happy sunday. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      It’s good I haven’t read that poem. It is so great also you found something touching in it. I had written it originally in Latvian, my native language, and this is sort of translation into English. I know a lot German poets, but have read hardly any English, American or Canadian. I only moved to Canada when I was 46, so, at some point it is good not to be influenced. I also find that true about art: I am rarely looking at somebody else’s art, I mean carefully or explorationally looking, simply not to get influenced. I want to always stay myself. Thank you so much for nice words!
      I also believe in nature’s lessons because they apply to us all.


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