Blessings from people who wish us well go long ways

I am very thankful and grateful to all my friends, fellow bloggers who have supported me so much during this extremely tough time.  It might seem like nothing special to those who do not blog frequently or have done this for a short time yet. However, there are moments when our life reaches the point when we become completely upset because of some health issues, we lose our determination and all good intentions are forgotten since there is no energy to implement any of them. During these times, my friends, bloggers were right there. There were hundreds and hundreds of prayers, good thoughts and blessings sent.


I think the aspect which makes blogging so unique among all other forms of social interaction is the ability to really discover people, make new friends, even though, they are far away and scattered over all countries of the globe. I am certainly grateful for this ongoing, never stopping support. Among you are many people who suffer or have suffered from all kinds of health problems. That’s life and that’s something which we get as a side effect of living not in a perfect world. One second can turn our life upside down, and the sequences can stretch over decades. We need courage to realistically access our condition, and we need lots and lots of strength. What was the most pleasurable experience during the days when I was totally off? Those were encouragements, wishes feeling better and blessings which arrived from all sides of the globe.

It is so wonderful that there is love which never ends; there is kindness, appreciation and gratitude. It is wonderful to feel better, and lots of friends have contributed to my inner comfort.


I can only repeat that starting my two blogs (one 4 years ago and this one just last year) was the best thing I could ever do. There isn’t anything else like blogging; no Facebooks, Twitters or other media can ever replace that because of content, unlimited exchange of thoughts, ideas and inspiration.

I am attaching fall photos from my personal archive; I hope you’ll love these.

Those, who love art,are invited to check out

And finally: I feel blessed for all this help and am sending back my prayers and blessings to those of you who need them at this moment.

22 thoughts on “Blessings from people who wish us well go long ways

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks Sue! I’m always happy to hear from you, you’re such a warm and nice person! There are lots of good people here, and that makes all the difference.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I love you post Inese, and think you are a wonderful artist.. I just do not catch everyone’s but I spent nearly all day catching up and was so pleased your post popped up 🙂 Take care and hope your trip goes well. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Thanks Sue! I arrived Ok, although, that was a long trip because the first flight was almost 9 hours, the second was a shorter one, but security in Warsaw was quite terrible, just as everybody had commented on the airline’s website. Trying to get used to the huge time zone difference.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Yes lots of delays now in airports due to security, A shame the few mess it up for the many peaceful people on the Earth.. But this is the Fear factor.. And we have to accept it for our safety.. Which is one reason we have not gone abroad this year.. Too much hassle.. xx Enjoy once you have recovered from Jet lag.. xx

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Well, it’s great to take a look from distance, Europe is so much more down to the Earth, I find this approach to life so smart and wise, and reality-bound, but security has become a major issue. I am not surprised how it is easier not to travel and put off a trip because it’s not a pure pleasure how it used to be.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I hope so, too, and it’s good the short flight will be at first, that means, I won’t be that much exhausted. We all survive these checks, it’s just a necessary formality which can get on one’s nerves when these nerves are overexcited.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        They are well received. I am trying to figure out how to get to doing something. Afternoons are usually better, I could write at least some blog post, I have learned lots of new and good things already!

        Liked by 2 people

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