The inappreciative patient and my lost summer pleasures

I have mixed feelings towards people who are too positive, too optimistic and expect too much when there is no good reason to do so. It is twice as bad if your doctor sees things for not what they are, but assumes them way better than the real condition shows.

lost summer 1

This is my stormy summer

The surgery itself went quite smoothly. We cannot escape unpleasant feelings and sensations with lots of cutting. However, I was very shocked when they quickly dressed the huge wound and told: ok, let’s go. I wasn’t really able to walk because one part of incision was fairly close to the ankle while the other which did not cause that much discomfort was under the knee. This leg has grafted skin since 1992, so this type of skin is unable to hold sutures. The doctor told there was no need also to apply something else. He proudly announced we would expect this to heal quickly by second intention which simply means: wound that is extensive and involves considerable tissue loss, and in which the edges cannot be brought together, heals naturally from the inside out. I certainly was concerned when they told me to walk right away, but my head was very foggy, and so we drove home.

I was wearing loose long pants, so only when I fall in the bed and lifted up the fabric, I noticed blood spots. They became larger and more and more intense until I had to cover this up with a few more layers of gauze. The blood was literally streaming through the gauze. I called the doctor’s office. They told to send a picture. It’s needless to say, my exhaustion was insane and pain was increasingly stronger, so it took me big efforts to send a picture over the phone, sounds funny, but it was like that. Well, they said: I had to go to emergency. Emergency was quite surprised how they had let me go, but after some 3-4 hours they were able to fix the issue and stop bleeding.

I am always careful with medications I am prescribed or signs and symptoms which occur. The pain was just stronger and stronger. The ankle area was totally swollen. I had fever, too, and that was pretty much an indication of infection. All surgeries have 2 main complications: bleeding and infection. It looked I was getting both. If my head was clear and I had my normal brain sharpness, I most likely had noticed what antibiotic I was prescribed. I did not pay attention; I just took a pill from the small container and watched the clock not to miss some dose. On the next day, I was fairly sure, things are not right. I have had so many surgeries in the past that I am able to feel when something is getting out of control. Some so-called home care doctors came; they took vitals and had a look at the dressing. I had to go to emergency again. The doctor who checked the wound at emergency seemed to be really in shock. It’s infected, he stated. Well, I knew it already, but nevertheless, when I looked at the wound myself, I almost fainted. Necrotic spots were visible; the look was so terrible that I started hysterically crying. The part that hurt me most was: so much of viable tissue was lost. I needed it, I needed it so badly in order to heal!

Thankfully, they had sent a wound swab to the lab. Meanwhile, I was given i/v and attached to an i/v antibiotic infusion pump. It’s a fairly uncomfortable thing, if you are not familiar with it. They had initially attached it to the vein in my right arm, straight below the elbow, so for a few days I couldn’t use my right arm. This pump stays with you for 5-7 days, so one is very limited in mobility because the long infusion line gets caught everywhere and sleeping with it is scary.

On Monday I received a call that I have to return to emergency immediately. Why? That was the third time within 5 days. The antibiotic I was receiving was not able to handle the nasty microorganisms, they didn’t give anything about this particular drug, there was a complete resistance.

3-4 more hours at emergency, and finally I was given another i/v, another antibiotic which supposedly would be working. Therefore, I had lost more than 4 days, and for type I diabetic with extensive surgical site infection, that is like eternity. 3 more days with my friend infusion pump. This time I knew how that feels to have this pump attached day and night to the vein, so I got the line inserted in the left arm, on the outside and not directly under the elbow. If only my head had been clear enough to follow-up on these antibiotics which I was given! I had told the doctor: cephalosporins DO NOT work. The previous doctor had already found out that. I really regret there does not exist a unified online database with patient records so that any treating physician could see sensitivities, intolerances and resistances right away, BEFORE MAKING SUCH TERRIBLE MISTAKES, before causing conditions which are absolutely preventable. Nevertheless, he had prescribed exactly cephalosporin. Did he think I had no idea what I was talking about? His ignorance caused me abnormal troubles, pain and resulted in severe complications. It’s hard to understand, but it seems every doctor in Ontario prescribes cephalosporins as a first choice medication, and most likely that is causing the resistance. They are overprescribed and over-applied.

The doctor? He told everything was fine even when I sent the black and blue necrotic and infected wound pictures. Is that even possible that somebody can be so wrong with the evaluation? Does this somebody have zero experience? Is he so sloppy and negligent that he does not want to admit things went so wrong because of lack of ANY PREVENTIVE MEASURES? It looked bad and shocking, and it was clear the healing will take much more time. Not to mention the stress, anxiety, worries, frustration and despair.

Lost summer 2

Meanwhile everything is blooming outdoors

I do regret I did not try harder to raise funds for having this surgery done in Latvia. I had never such a bad experience before, and quite honestly, I would not have survived the injuries back then if treatments were like this one. It makes me feel as if patient does not matter. It all comes down to money eventually. The doctor said if he was even ok with me staying at a hospital, they did not have enough beds for such “easy” (?!?) surgeries.

The only thing I still hope for is: this has a good end. This wound heals without any other complications.

Lost summer 5

Summer goes on with colors and heat

Meanwhile, my lovely summer disappears with a speed of light. I love the crisp mornings after rain, I love the exhausting heat and sipping cold lemon water in my backyard. I love watching my flowers and vegetables blooming and exploding in beauty. I love the saturated colors of ripening vegetables, and I miss the garden work so much! The last good year for me was 2013. That was the year of my daughter’s second wedding, the year of traveling and pleasure. My biggest goal is now getting this finally fixed and forgetting everything that happened this summer like a bad dream. I haven’t painted for a fairly long time. I feel so exhausted, so drained and so helpless at the moment. When I’m seeing quotes and wise advises on what’s life, what’s success and what’s happiness and similar intellectual pearls, that makes me laugh and cry at the same time: just stop pretending you are not aware how things do not depend on you. Living in the moment is fine, as long as this moment is tolerable for you. Nobody asks or ever will ask you whether you are ok with pain or struggles that are inevitable. Everything has a very logical cause and a very logical effect. I am mobilizing all my internal energy and strength at the moment to overcome the side effects and to bring the wound to a good healing stage. Well, it’s already looking better.

lost summer 3

Catalpa tree has made beans already while I was sleeping inside

68 thoughts on “The inappreciative patient and my lost summer pleasures

  1. Pingback: I had to forget about art for a while | inesepogagallery

    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      I certainly do. The doctor insists I keep taking all these meds, but since one hour or so, my pancreas attack has been becoming just intolerable. I’m curing one thing and it puts my life at risk if I discontinue these strong meds, but on another hand I don’t know what to do. If I keep taking these pills, I will be placed in hospital with pancreas flare up. Oh my, it’s just so abnormally tough. It was bad for 3 years, and I thought I was over the toughest part, but it seems I am not.


  2. Something is wrong with our health care system for you to have gone through such terrible mistakes that caused prolonged and painful healing. It’s a warning for the rest of us to be super alert when dealing with doctors. But how alert can you be when you have a fever and are in pain? Very frustrating and worrying experience. Hope you heal quickly now.


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      I agree Diane. All of these complications were absolutely preventable. Basically, now I have to get back to where I was at first and once the infection is cleared up the healing can begin. Until that it’ s just fixing complications, that took roughly 2 weeks. I’ m getting a second opinion next week because I sort of cannot trust this doctor any longer. I will have 6 week adjunct therapy and hopefully some tissue growth starts after a while. The wound is huge and it has lost lots of good tissue due to this negligence.
      You have to be alert and you are right: how alert can one be under medications after a surgery? Brain does not work and often patient is even asleep and does not have a clue what he or she is given.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A very good point….if the moment you are in is intolerable/painful, the last thing you want is to be in it. And every painful moment feels like an eternity. Hope there is healing.


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      There are moments or even time periods when I feel I could skip them completely. I was at the first treatment session, it went fine. I will need some 30. Just feeling like somebody whose head cannot perceive anything,half asleep.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah..dear sweet Inese! I read your blogs last night but was unable to respond at that time. And you were on my mind so much. I am sorry you have gone through so much. And I am not going to be so positive that it seems unreal. What I am going to do is send you healing energy and keep you in a protective thought pattern. I don’t know why we have to go through times like you are going through …some say it is to learn. And so many people are going through hard times now…there seems to be something in the air. I long to help you feel better…I wish I could take your pain away and reinstate your summer the way you would like. But I can’t do that. And I think the best you can do IS to be in every moment…it is okay to be uncomfortable…but in those moments look inside…and inspect…and see if there is something your soul is trying to tell you. I have had many health issues…and been mistreated by doctors who have made mistakes so I can empathize with your struggle. I believe more and more that when we present with physical symptoms…and things seem to be “happening” to us that many times there is an emotional issue we have not dealt with and our soul is crying to be heard. I am here for you and I send you so much love and healing. Blessitude ❤


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks Lorrie! This issues were lasting for three years, and since there was no expected improvement, invasive tactics had to be used. It look good straight after the surgery.I just didn’t realize at the moment because of lots medication that I was given the antibiotic which absolutely does not work. I men the over-prescribed and over-applied cephalosporins. Just this simple thing: prescribing a loading dose of the right antibiotic had saved all troubles. Surgery is surgery, but certain preventive measures must be in place. There weren’t any and that caused the complications. I am right full time patient spending all day researching and taking pills and attending procedures, and I appreciate your kind words. You know what that means getting things which never expected or wanted coming your direction.


      1. Absolutely, dear Inese. I will keep you in my most positive thoughts and surrounded in healing energy ❤ ❤ Hang in there…you are your own best advocate…and I know things will improve!


      2. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        They should, I have no intention to struggle as all 3 last years. There is simply no other way: they have to improve. It was great this happened rather sooner. Well, I need to be patient.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Clouds N Cups

    Life is so filled with things that are really beyond our control.

    Do take care, my friend and do enjoy those lovely filler moments that life throws to us once in a while instead of lemons.

    Be blessed always, Cheers!!! 😀


      1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Thanks! I genuinely need support at the moment! I’m trying to figure out how to arrange some kind of online sale or whatever. Treatments are high-cost.


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks! I hope that some things can be still straightened out, side effects and frequent treatments are not pleasant, but I can say there’s improvement. Taking the size and length of surgical site, time will be need.


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks! Unfortunately, the doctor was not serious enough to use some preventive measures and it resulted in all possible complications and 3 day long administration of a wrong antibiotic. We are trying to fix the damage and there should be some improvement by next week.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sorry for the nightmare you are going through. I used to fly to Latvia to sort out my medical problems, but lately I stopped doing that, because, as everywhere else, it is all about the good luck of getting in touch with a decent surgeon. There are just a few, and they cost a fortune. Even proper antibiotics could be a problem. I am disappointed with medical care in Latvia that has become just a show without any quality. Stick to where you are, it was just a bad luck. Focus on boosting your immune system, drink gallons of water and use the herbs. You will be all right. Good they did the culture test, so that they know what works and what doesn’t. Now they have to change antibiotics frequently to avoid resistance. Take it easy on your pancreas. It is a horror story what has happened to you. This year wasn’t good to me either, health-wise. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks Inese! I have a very good doctor in Latvia, he is the head of the trauma hospital on Gymnastics street. He did the first 9 surgeries in 1992, and staying by my bedside even when it wasn’t his shift, he saved my life. I saw him last year when I was in Latvia. He suggested to still wait and then come back when it looks other options are excluded and a careful removal of the detached bone was the only option. While my surgeon was ok, he didn’t pay any smallest attention to my other conditions and prevention of complications. I insisted on some things, well, I have been dealing with these injuries for almost 25 years, and the situation is better. It’s just so that it is full time job for me at the moment, I spent the morning at hyperbaric oxygen center and the rest of the day doing to my primary surgeons hospital. I simply believe that my huge medical knowledge helps a lot, but when I have passed out, I have no idea what somebody is doing. It’s going to be a way longer recovery because I lost due to infection all the tissue we were trying to preserve. It’s funny how you say bad luck: there isn’t any. If he had listened and given me antibiotics I told him to, I had not gotten all infection. For bleeding, most likely nurse was rushing and she didn’t take time to check out what happens when medication stops working. They did not do everything what they were supposed. I cannot blame emergency for putting me on a wrong antibiotic because they have the slow resistance testing, they just were acting as per protocol. I am simply exhausted. Exhausted from daily treatments and pain and long drives to the doctors and nausea from medications. Simply exhausted. The wound itself looks better, it is just very large, I usually redress it later because sometimes the stuff they put on at hospital literally falls off. I am really looking forward to getting back my life. This is going to last a bit, hopefully by Christmas, I’m like new, with scars obviously.

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      1. Yes, no luck at all – you got an overconfident surgeon. Wouldn’t hurt to listen to a patient with 25 years experience. You know your body.
        I am glad your wound started to heal. Now keep an eye on your pancreas. I almost died from acute pancreatitis when I was 24. Drink liquids, slow down on your coffee intake. How long will you stay on antibiotics? I hope you heal soon.


      2. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I’m watching my pancreas, always, that’s why I’m type I diabetic because it doesn’t function since these 9 surgeries. I never consume anything chemical, or I am at least trying to, I never eat out, but antibiotics are harsh. Well, i/v bypasses pancreas, so it didn’t feel that portion. It will start to heal when there won’t be any harmful microorganisms present. I have surgical adjustments every week, so that sort of erases the progress. It took me 8 months to heal this type of wound in 2008. It might be faster if everything is fine and doesn’t get re-infected. There is no tissue, no skin, that’s why it’s the second intention. It is expected to grow. He doesn’t argue with me any longer. Although, that doesn’t help anyhow, but all lab results confirmed what I said. Being a good doctor is a gift. That is actually way more than the clinical and theoretical knowledge. That’s why good doctors are rare.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Agree with you. Hope everything will heal soon as now the doctor knows what he is doing. And hope it is a lesson to him – for which you have paid.
        Is it the last operation you will need for your problem?


      4. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        It might be the last surgery, but it will greatly depend on whether the tissue which is still there has a capacity to close to large area. When the wound is hundred percent clean and mature, other options can be used, like skin substitute which is usually worse or autograft which is better, but mean more wounds. I certainly hope tissue growth will be efficient and I won’t need more surgeries.


  7. hi – I am so sorry to hear of your ordeal – argh – and I read the comment about getting another doctor – and was so glad to hear the because it does sound like this guy is sloppy and not listening – I once met a lady who had a huge throat problem from a botched thyroid procedure – she is on disability now – the doc was found at fault – but what a headache – and at first when I read your post – ((I am new here)) I almost thought it was going to be a story of a sponge or tool left inside – but this is worse! and sending you blog hug dear artist!
    I also know what you mean about the overly positive – even though I might guilty of too much optimism at times – guess it depends – but to gloss over and ignore things with too much optimism can be unhealthy – however – too much gloom and catastrophe rehearsing (not saying you are doing that) but too much woe can make bad things worse because it becomes a faucet of negative affect.
    and studies – many – have shown that a small forced smile can in fact lighten a mood – and laughter or a light heart is health and life to the bones – (you might have heard of the 60’s book called “anatomy of an illness”- the guy used laughter to heal after docs said no hope- something like that – but there is a laughter yoga movement that started in the 90s from this Idea – and well – not to gloss over anything – but let us smile because at least you ended up getting some genuine help and hopefully are on the mend – and your perspective is further enriched – which makes you a more tender person and it could even show in your art – I sometimes think the essence that flows through the painter does show their life richness and you are a warrior my friend – smile because you are a great writer – Gardender – and painter – 😉


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks! I rarely get such insightful comments, and I must admit your comment felt very good to me. I think, I have always been a fighter and warrior, I’m fighting for different things at different times. I certainly am optimist, but my optimism is always based in reality, I suppose, that helped me survive when they didn’t give any hopes 25 years ago. I simply think that doctor is not only an occupation or trade, it is the doctor who makes decisions which have huge effects on people who depend on these decisions, and it’s just awfully disastrous when they are wrong. His fault was that he ignored the underlying conditions and did not evaluate the situation with the due seriousness.
      It is fantastic, you noticed that I am somebody who does lots of things. I am originally from Europe, Latvia, and times were so harsh at some moments that one simply had to be good at practically everything. So, I learned fashion design and dressmaking, gardening came automatically because we had to help parents from a very early age. Writing sort of resulted logically from many thousands of books which I read between ages 8 and 16. I started University at 17 and that meant I was on my own, completely. Therefore, one cannot be whining, but they have to do something in order to make things happen.
      My art is totally opposite my life experiences because I would only paint when I am happy, not when I pretend I am ok. Therefore, all of my art is positive, uplifting, sunny and I hope to some extent poetic and helping us through the rough reality which so often kicks in whether I smile or not.
      Anyway, thank you so much for this very good comment and I greatly appreciate you took your time reading my posts!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. hi – well thanks for the replies – and for some reason – when I go to read your posts I am logged out – and have to come back to my reader to comment –
        whew –
        I have read a few of your posts throughout the day today – we were in traffic coming back from a rained out beach day (it was ok cos we wanted short – but not that short)
        anyhow – I was scrolling the reader and “rare” is the wpc this week and right then I read in one of your posts/pages how rare your accident survival was and your case.
        if you don’t mind me asking – what kind of accident was it ?- or if you already posted it maybe give me the link.
        ok – we have a couple things in common – like my life has been a little turned upside down for the past three years and summer 2013 was my last normal summer (I am much better now – but have yet to garden – I had some weird microbe and parasites- probably stuff from the Bahamas in the 80s- who knows!! I actually caught mine early and it might have been Lyme related- maybe….and I have had tick bites
        anyhow – we have that in common – sorta – and when you mentioned the year 1992 – I have a small book started with the title “1992” because that was a turning point year for me.- I will finish it maybe this year or next summer for sure –
        anyhow – I feel like I spent the day with you- !!


      2. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        That is really exceeding coincidental, because 1992 was the year of accident, it was car accident when driver passed away on spot and I spent a year in a hospital. At first my hopes were very weak and when I asked the doctor to be honest and tell me what I can count on: he said they rarely have that severe cases with that bad injuries. The only one they had got sepsis and didn’t survive. The extent of injuries was extreme. I certainly was full of stubbornness to prove that it is possible not only to survive, but also walk and even dance after some 5 years. These after-effects followed me through all years. 2013 was also mine best year before these troubles started and I hope I can get my life back maybe after a while. I see that you can understand these things and depressions because we all inevitably get swallowed by them when absolutely nothing good happens for quite a few years in a row. The last party I attended was in 2013. I’ve been pretty much in my 4 walls for 3 years, however, I traveled every year to Latvia to see my daughter, mom, sister, grandchildren, etc.
        Tick bites are terrible thing and hopefully you have somewhat cured the potential threats.
        Along other things, I’m doing a lot of medical writing and research, that involves work for huge medical companies globally, as well, as translations from and into German, Latvian (my native) and English). I am very thankful I know a lot about any medical issues and I also have access to data which most doctors don’t.
        Well, this is the best ever: you said you felt as if you had spent a day with me! Thanks for that!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. singing off / but quick thanks for the info – and yes – I am well – the hardest time for me was the first 3 or 4 months in 2014 of problem solving. but I have actually had very good years because I always wanted to rebuild my Bio terrain and I had cleansed before – but I knew nothing about how long it takes – and how enzymes and amino acids and dense good fats as part of it – as well as probiotics – I will have to share more later – but it is something I am grateful to have gone thru (without sounding overly optimistic) because it was a desire of my heart to clean my gut and just have the bio terrain I now have….
        ok – I could go on – but more for another time – have a great weekend and be back later with some poems – take care – 🌸🌺🌸


      4. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Bio terrain sounds very good. We rent a place, so I have to make a new small garden every time we move, so I do. I was not that capable of working in the garden recently, nothing is as good as previous years, the heat and moisture, and then no rain for 3 months. I’ve never had any weight or digestive issues, and I also do not agree with most North American diets since they are profoundly wrong. I already told I come from Europe, people still eat and grow everything naturally there. Enzymes and amino acids is a very wide topic and refers to lots of things. Good that you’ve explored them a lot, however, there are so many just newly discovered enzymes and their interactions really matter, not to mention deficiency or overproduction. It’s also good that you’re using clean food which is the most important thing. I find this to be the toughest part of nutrition here, since it is abnormally hard to find unaltered products. I do not pay special regard to what exactly I’m eating as long as it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals is fine. Due to my condition., I practically never eat out, so have to cook and prepare something every day. I keep it simple and I am personally not obsessed with food and nutrition. We need balance, balance or internal homeostasis of all processes and homeostasis even in one single cell. We need to decrease all chemically processed stuff which causes DNA sequence changes (the tiny proofreaders DNA polymerases are not always able to correct the error in strand) and therefore that results in cell mutations. You know what happens when the atmosphere tries to balance itself? We have storms and tornadoes and similar disasters. Exactly the same happens within the body.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I really enjoyed reading your reply – 🙂
        and for some people dental work might be the source of some heavy metals – which is likely a big factor for me – and if people have candidiasis – this can change the way metals impact the body.
        anyhow, I have also been learning about the toxic effects of root canals and some of the materials with root tips with porcelain crowns – but put that study on hold for a while – even though i do believe that some folks will see huge life changes with EDTA chelation.
        and the way “most” folks eat here is just wrong. I also believe that blood type and heritage factors in….
        oh and I have the powers ready. I think I cam going to have a separate blog for some of the poetry – not sure yet, but here is the link (active for now)…

        have a great day


      6. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Wonderful! I am sort of busy at the moment, but I will check out the link, and, that is for sure: if you have plenty of poetry and many written poems, your writing deserves a separate blog. I was wrong when I created 2 blogs on WordPress because one of them is sort of an attachment to the primary blog. I see you have blogspot, that’s probably a good idea.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh my dear Inese!! I did not know about this misery you have been through!! I find this so difficult to read, my stomach is in agony and what you describe is horrible!!! I am so sad of what you have endured and I do agree with you, sometime the people who are “too positive” have not been through such hard times to fully understand. “You’re ok, everything will be fine.” when it’s NOT fine!

    My prayers are with you! You are very brave and courageous!! May God’s healing touch restore you to complete health!!



  9. Oh my dear Inese!! I did not know about this misery you have been through!! I find this so difficult to read, my stomach is in agony and what you describe is horrible!!! I am so sad of what you have endured and I do agree with you, sometimes the people who are “too positive” have not been through such hard times to fully understand. “You’re ok, everything will be fine.” when it’s NOT fine!

    My prayers are with you! You are very brave and courageous!! May God’s healing touch restore you to complete health!!



      1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I completely agree and am extremely disappointed. I wish every day was a bit better, but t is pretty much the same for most of the time. Certainly hoping since I really want to fly to Latvia, but cannot buy the ticket yet.

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  10. Inese, I’m so sorry for all your troubles. However, it gladdens me to hear what a fighter you are, how you stay optimistic despite these truths. You are a good example for all of us.


      1. I too believe a positive attitude goes a long way. But some good old fashioned anger, frustration, sadness, etc., can add fuel toward wanting to overcome obstacles.


      2. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Attitude has to be somewhat optimistic, because otherwise if we do not believe in good outcome, why to bother? I am however, a realist, I am sort of keeping my expectations based on facts and the current situation. There are lots of things which won’t go away if we simply want them to.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I just am so tired recently of these new medications that I hardly can keep my eyes open. I hope that improves after a few days or at least week. My terrible experiences have shown that taking the worst scenario, but expecting good result anyway or despite it helps me not going crazy. Everything that only could go wrong, did, although, I certainly hoped it wouldn’t. It’s very rare when something really depends only on us. Whenever lots of other people are involved, and they most likely are always or almost always, the human factor starts to work, and that means we will experience results of somebody else’s forgetfulness, negligence, bad attitude or simply ignorance. It’s not only in health care. It’s present everywhere. I sometimes spend hours and hours preparing some class, quite often I do that when I’m not feeling well, but I’m pretty much always keeping my promises, and somebody e-mails in the last minute: I’m sorry I forgot about a birthday, or party or something like that. Reliability has become very rare feature and very often people will promise anything without thinking.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Since I had cancer, I have taken to always getting copies of doctor reports & test results so I can go through them. Have found several mistakes, things doctors overlooked on blood tests, etc. As a result, have learned that ultimate responsibility for my health on my shoulders.


      5. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        That’s good. I hope you cured it. I think, health is literally everything.
        They do not issue copies on hand here. I could write memoirs about misdiagnosis, doctor’s negligence and other issues. I have met only 2 good doctors within 12 years while I am in Canada. I stopped attending quite a few of them because there just was no point. It is too bad that we are not always in control of our health. Once you get in somebody else’s hands, you are trusting them everything. I would love to move on and forget this summer. I would love to never again remember about that accident which lasted just a second and took away so much. I am confused at the moment because nothing is right, nothing really works and I need some kind of solution, but there just doesn’t seem to exist one. I should start working again, but that isn’t happening since I’m half-asleep every day, no energy, no strength and I’m sort of flowing from morning to night without getting anything done. In fact, snoozing from morning to night. This is such a bad situation for a person who’s been workaholic all life. To watch things deteriorate and do nothing about it.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        I don’t ever give up anything which I like, but I simply have posted very few posts during this time. Maybe weekend will be somewhat better.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Anonymous
    You might be interested in this. I read about it. I checked it out myself. I mentioned it to a teacher of my son’s. He had a chronic open wound for a couple of years. He used this therapy and it healed the wound. He has diabetes. There is a clinic in Whitby that offers it. I also know if you go right to Meditech in Toronto that I believe you can rent one of their machines and do it yourself. I hope you don’t mind me passing this information on. You probably already know about it. I hope you are already healed and have no need for something like this. I just wish you good health and happiness. All the best to you.


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks! It is much better, the surgery still helped. I have a very large surgical site wound, but it is closing. I will certainly check this out.


  12. This reads of a catalogue of mistakes from beginning to end… It is appalling and still you are suffering… I so hope dear Inese you can get this wound healed once and for all..
    Much love in your direction as I send you continued healing love my friend .. Hugs Sue xxx ❤


    1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

      Thanks Sue! It’s been terrible, I really hope it finally heals. I do also hope I won’t need another surgery because the experience of this one was just too bad.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Well, sure, no day passes by when I do not give myself such a command. However, I have a lot of medical knowledge and education, and I am quite often changing the dressing, so I am aware what is underneath each spot and I also can see what is causing what. The only thing I cannot afford right now is to become resistant to these antibiotics, as well. So far, they seem to be working. If I was only able to see the doctor at the end of October, it was all practically closed, but I couldn’t get the medication right away, without interrupting the schedule and without causing resistance. Oh well, my immune system is quite down too after 5 months of strong antibiotic combinations and all the other stuff.

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      2. Yes that is the prob with too many antibiotics our bodies become resistant to them.. I am lucky that I have only needed them a few times in my life.. I know you are very health conscious in alternative medications too… So I know you know what you are speaking of my friend.. Sending extra energy your way.. And I know you will channel it well lol xxxx Hugs xxx


      3. Inese Poga Art plus Life

        Thanks for the energy, I can certainly use it. I was seeing my numerologist in Latvia, I like exchanging some thoughts with her. I should follow up on everything she advised. That might help, too. Well, I must get over this because I always have. I was thinking one night that it is very surprising I survived so many terrible troubles. This is like nothing compared to what there was.

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