End of October, the last of colors

The angry clouds

And sunny gaps of heaven

The gold of leaves now turning into rust.

Ghosts of the past, they love this weather

When days just crawl along.

It’s only memories which linger

Among the shadows of our broken dreams

And wings are put away for winter.

Getting older is like watching seasons change – late fall can be quite tolerable and even enjoyable at times. The last of golden days will be gone tomorrow. It’s very obvious why poetic people like the slight melancholy which comes with the decreasing sunlight and everything becoming grey. Less and less color, until the white of snow covers up all struggles and dirt.

We often live in waiting – waiting for Christmas, waiting for the New Year which might bring something better, waiting for spring, for time when everything becomes perfect, waiting for wedding, waiting for kids to grow up – endlessly. Quite often the waiting is more satisfying than the actual event. Quite often the beauty is in the fact that all good things come with waiting. On the due time.

Nobody is waiting for old age. Lots of people see it as a dread and disaster. However, if you are privileged to experience it, you should be already happy. As somebody who’s spent many decades researching medical issues and finding out how absurdly complex each one of us is, I often wonder how we just slide over and past all diseases and cure what’s curable. I wonder how we still are with all what’s happening around.

Old age is wise and knows what we tried to figure out many decades ago. There’s so much we learn over our lifetime! Consciously or subconsciously, we are aware of what’s ahead. Many books mention how somebody feels scared and old when they are 40 or 50. No need. In my experience 50-60 is a fantastic time. The saying “If youth knew, if age could” is attributed to quite a few wise men. I don’t care who said that, but that briefly descries how we evolve and, regretfully, are unable to carry out what we know is necessary when we reach really old age which I haven’t yet.

I knew this quote always, cannot remember from where, but I recall it here and there. Therefore, I don’t think people around 20 – 30 can be experts. In science or their occupation, sure, in life – no way. Things change drastically, and only decades later we realize what we did right and what were the crucial life-changing mistakes. No point suffering from regrets. Everything becomes experience – every step, every discovery, every loss and gain. I love myself just as much as when I was younger. I’m looking forward to many more years, I’d love to spend this time just as my parents lived – busy, always doing something, always staying firmly on the Earth.

Wishing you good transition into late fall and early winter!

23 thoughts on “End of October, the last of colors

  1. This was such a beautiful muse dear Inese… indeed what is AGE but a feeling.. I also found when I reached my milestone years of 50 and 60, I felt great on both of those Birthdays… We are as old as we wish to feel… And internally I feel no different now than in my teens, except I am much wiser in outlook..

    Being grateful for the gift of health and an attitude of mind over matter helps..
    I know we have both had our health struggles in previous years, which has given us the gift of gratitude for wellness.

    Next year I reach another milestone, my seventh decade… But apart from wear and tear and those aches which come and go… I will celebrate another year joyfully as we mature gracefully like an old oak… 😀

    We have our roots firmly embedded into Mother Earth as we enjoy each passing season..

    Sending Love and Blessings dear Inese, as we enter into our Winter wonderland.. We will be making our own colours I feel with our paints

    Much love dear Inese… ❤ xx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maturing gracefully is indeed the key. I can say the same: as you age you just become smarter and allocate your energy wiser. I mean, wasting less of anything.
      Very nice to hear from you, Sue! We are close in age, so I’m sure we get what it takes to stay fully functional and boosting our energy daily as much as possible.
      No bad weather for nature, no bad age in a human life cycle. All it takes, prepare properly, dress accordingly and be brave.
      All the best to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. theburningheart

    Inese, I do not even know where to begin?
    Maybe mentioning a month ago to the day I was in a hospital going for the second time in ten years, to a life, or death operation, and I am just recovering, with dubuios prospects to a longer life, simply due to my age, let’s just say if judging for my parents age of death, well, God, only knows, but simply put; I am afried my time it’s running out.
    As a great and well known Spanish poet Jorge Manrique put it :

    Let from its dream the soul awaken,
    And reason mark with open eyes
    The scene unfolding,—
    How lightly life away is taken,
    How cometh Death in stealthy guise,—
    At last beholding;

    What swiftness hath the flight of pleasure
    That, once attained, seems nothing more
    Than respite cold;
    How fain is memory to measure
    Each latter day inferior
    To those of old.

    Beholding how each instant flies
    So swift, that, as we count, ’tis gone
    Beyond recover,
    Let us resolve to be more wise
    Than stake our future lot upon
    What soon is over.

    The poem goes further, but those couplets, are enough to reflect my feelings.

    As you can see I do no even publish more posts, due to other concerns that occupy my time and efforts at the time, not worth to be talk about it.

    My best wishes to you Inese!

    Yours Brigido.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my! I hope your recovery goes acceptably. I don’t think it’s that bad. Maybe there’s still some hope of more time. Well, everything unknown scares us a lot. I know you’re realistic, just like I am.
      Nevertheless, there are always some small miracles which time to time come true and happen.
      I hope you are ok and not suffering too much pain. I so hope we could exchange some more thoughts in the future.
      Fantastic poem, all as I feel it, too.
      Wishing you all the best that can come your way!
      Let me know how it goes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. theburningheart

        I’m fine, to the point that I’m alive and not in much pain, although I feel the weight of time on my body, if not my spirit, as we get older I guess it’s natural to reflect on the time we have left. , especially when we look at our weaknesses, and how we must resign ourselves to living with the limitations that old age brings.
        My best wishes to you Inese!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good to know!
        Limitations exist, that’s for sure, however, at any given time or place, there are limitations for everybody.
        I feel also that some things aren’t as easy as they used to be, but it’s like you’re saying – in spirit, there’s no aging and one can feel as young as they wish. Physically, sure, we wear down as the time passes.
        Well, I hope for a good week ahead and wish you the same! One good day at a time.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Ivana! I suppose we are fairly close in age, so we know that some things become more important than the other ones. Getting older is no reason to be scared or frustrated. Life cycle is a reality, and I’m seeing similarities with it in the nature. Everything goes on as programmed.
      Just like we enjoy the sunny fall days, we enjoy the good days of getting older times. Lots of things are there for taking, lots of areas open for exploration. Fearlessly and optimistically, that would be one way of treating the approaching years.
      All the best to you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful, thoughtful writing, Inese. It resonates with me as well. I have been spending a lot of time lately wandering through memories, putting things from over the decades into perspective. In part, getting acquainted again with my younger selves and who they were at their respective times. That has been quite an education. And then there is the road ahead, what lies in wait unknown, but the journey made easier by understanding where I have come from.

    Liked by 1 person

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