This is our only life: knowledge makes strong

People, who have nothing, but money and properties, show off what they eat, wear, drive, where they live and what they have bought. They need to prove themselves again and again in order to add some purpose to their life. It’s money that makes them valuable.

People who have skills, intelligence, knowledge and talents show what they have created. They need to prove nothing because their creations speak for them. The value of their existence is not in what belongs to them, but what they are. Big difference.

living life smartly

Being realistic is having a good understanding of relationships and proportions of human values. Nothing is only black or white. Grey is the important neutral, and neutral creates a good balance. It is a great starting and supporting point.

We have to say a very definite “no” to obsession with food. Profit-taking industries want us to eat all the time and anywhere. Food is not a comforting tool. Food is not and should not be a luxury. We have to return back in time and simplify every single bite.

Chemicals and toxins which are present in our daily meals cause allergies, obesity, heart and blood vessel issues, metabolism disorders leading to brain toxicity, nervous system conditions, anxiety, depression and birth defects. Anything which says “added” or “free” on the label should not be on our table. These products contain chemicals which might be not even listed under ingredients. They undergo heavy processing. Innocent foods like chips, cookies, precooked dinners and snacks contain large amounts of cancer causing agents. Eventually, accumulation of these toxins make us sick. There is lack of good energy and lack of life supporting essential substances.

Taking multivitamins improves nothing. A 15-year-long research in large numbers (many thousands) of people over 50 indicated there were no health benefits of taking multivitamins daily. Any purely chemical health boosting substance causes harm because your DNA does not recognize the elements which are chemically altered. Our DNA is ancient, chemical supplements are synthetic and new, therefore, we have cancer epidemics, obesity epidemics, abnormal numbers of dementia and Alzheimer’s and abnormally high numbers of childhood health disorders.

The closer food is to its natural state, the more benefits we are getting from it. Money, which we save on good food, is later spent on medications. In fact, for each dollar we save on natural food, we will have to spend 10-fold amount for medications. Obesity exaggerates any condition and causes additional complications. Whatever we eat or do, we have to keep our weight under control. That is a number 1 must.

We should eat home-cooked meals as often as possible. Nobody else will ever care about us if we do not. Any catering place is mainly interested in profits. Some of them will put our health last as long as they are profiting from their sales. Do not be silly and believe everything you hear on TV and anything you read about on the internet! The only person who can help you is you.

Vegetables from the garden

Clean and home-grown is the answer.

Nutrition and fresh vegetables

Simple and easy to make from not altered ingredients is the key.

Good food 1

Our purpose was never to be plainly happy and to have fun. Our purpose is to find fulfillment, discover, perfect, make better, explore, reach, achieve and pass on the experience to the next ones in line.

living life simply

It is sad that one has to spend their only life watching how others do that. We have to stand up, pick up ourselves from pieces, become intact as a crystal glass, obtain shine as a diamond and remain unbreakable as an ancient oak tree.

Living life at the fullest

The sky seems to be endless when we look at it from the Earth. Our worries and heartaches do, too, when we treat them as a global disaster.

Some people are not worth our tears. Period.

Never assume yourself a victim or feel like one. You have to become a magician, who creates every day and moment of your life by taking responsibility for things you have or haven’t done.

Every word we say has an echo. Every thought we have goes and comes around. Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people, yet, we can rest assured that good deeds are rewarded and harms get punished. You know what God’s mills do, right?

The sky is endless when we look at it from the Earth

Carpe diem: make use of the day; or I’d rather say: make a good use of every single day because in an average life of 80 years taking into account that 20 years will have 366 days there are ONLY 29,220 days.

Carpe diem!

That is not a big number, and an average person, who sleeps 8 hours per night, will spend 2920 hours sleeping in a year of 365 days which means we will sleep away 121.7 days a year or roughly 9,736 days from our 80 years long life. That leaves us with an average of 19,484 days for our activities assuming that we live for 80 years.

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